Contentious-Administrative law

Contentious-Administrative law

The legal defense for Contentious-Administrative procedures against the administration are usually caused, in many occasions, by a previous administrative procedure, this is the reason why it´s important to have worked previously on that other legal area.

Looking for the most efficient focus in this area, Ruiz Ballesteros counts with lawyers and economists with proved experience in administrative matters which usually end in contentious procedures against the administration, so its usual to develop our job with contentious-administrative appeal before any instance, especially in claims for patrimonial responsibility, taxes, expropriations and fines.

Further to defending our clients’ interests we look for solutions and preventive practices to avoid reaching these procedures, and in the case that our clients reach this point, we assure to offer solid arguments for their defense.

For all this, we offer representation and legal defense to our clients by the interposition of an appeal via administrative or contentious-administrative.

Our team offers a flexible and constant legal assistance to answer your questions, a continuous update of information and stablishing a fluid and accessible communication with our clients.


Ruiz Ballesteros joined Geneve Group International (GGI) in 2020, a group of independent international auditing, accounting, law and consulting firms that come together to find the most appropriate solution for the client thanks to a wide international coverage operated by highest quality firms in more than 125 countries.