Author Archives: Macarena Ruiz

“Plusvalía Municipal” is declared null when there is no benefit in transmission

Since the creation of this “Plusvalía Municipal” tax, there is an obligation to tax the profits obtained on the sale of real estate, it is paid whether a profit or not has been made on the sale of the property. However, on last Thursday May 11th, 2017, it was agreed to declare this law unconstitutional […]

How to obtain the resident permission in Spain

The worldwide crisis we have been suffering since the end of 2006 lead to the approval of new legislation in nearly every country within the European Union to attract people with high purchasing power into their country, for this reason, Spain has taken advance of this situation to adopt the Law 14/2013, of the 27th […]

Did you pay a developer for a property that was never finished? Now you can get your money back.

If you signed a purchase contract with a developer, gave in your money and your house was never finished, within your desperate situation, we have good news. There are affected people who are now recovering the money they paid upfront plus a 6 % interest. How? Well, they have passed their case on to hands […]